Hamilton Family History & Genealogy
Hamilton Last Name History & Origin
If you contact the author of a new biography on the Hamilton's in October this year, 2021 (with the books Foreword written by the current Duke of Hamilton), he will be happy to share with you the history, meaning, and origin of the name Hamilton. He will also confirm where it came from, alternate early spellings, and scores of famous Hamilton's from the first so named in 1185. [contact link] A new historical biography is being published in late October 2021 entitled: The Life & Times of Alexander Hamilton, Two apples that fell from the same tree. It traces all Hamilton's globally today, including America's founding father back through the direct male bloodline to the year A.D. 880.
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Myra Frances HAMILTON was b. 1 Sept 1892 in West Point or Rhinelander, WI to parents Yaoni Gavin Gibb HAMILTON (1863-1941 or 1949) and Charlotte “Lottie” Oliva MILLARD (1867-1948 or 1950). Myra was one of three children born to this couple including Myra Frances; Gavin Millard; and Hugh Lloyd HAMILTON, all born between 1892 and 1897.
Myra married Archibald Garfield MOORE (1881-1966) on 21 Apr 1919 in Garland County, AR and they had a son, Hamilton Archie MOORE (1920-1984). Myra died in April 1970 in Coffeyville, KS and is buried in the Sunnyside Cemetery in Caney, KS.
I’d like to get this photograph to a family member and would appreciate you contacting me if you are a member of this family or know someone who might be.

Children - Janet Langlands; James; Robert Blyth; George; John Goodsir; Alexander Mills; David; William; Henry Fleming and Florence Jane

The car is a Mercedes his father had bought while in Europe.

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Hamilton Death Records & Life Expectancy
The average age of a Hamilton family member is 72.0 years old according to our database of 71,655 people with the last name Hamilton that have a birth and death date listed.
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We are looking for the children of George Hamilton and Margaret Palmer who married in Edinburgh in 1962, these children are adults now and maybe have children of their own, the children are called George Hamilton, Catherine Hamilton and Richard Hamilton and were born between 1963 and 1966 all in Edinburgh. Would dearly love to hear from anybody who knows them or knows how we can find them. I look forward to hearing from you. Kathy
William eventually made his way from California to the Pacific Northwest around the time of the Klondike Gold Rush in Alaska. He settled in the Bell-town area of Seattle in 1905 and operated an express business there for several years. He purchased property at the corner of Denny Way and Westlake Ave. N. and erected a two-story frame building. He opened his grocery store in this building and rented out rooms in the upper quarters.
The Hamilton family stories say that William’s family back in Ireland had purchased farmland for him near Armagh. William at 53 was still a bachelor. Apparently his intentions were to move back to Ireland even though he had gained his U.S. Citizenship final papers on April 29, 1914. Unfortunately, William never made it back to Ireland. On the night of March 10, 1917, two men entered William’s store after it was closed, bound, gagged and beat him while ransacking his back quarters of the store. Police believe they must have known about his cache of money that he may have been saving for his trip back home. Bound and gagged, William suffocated in the early morning hours of March 11, 1917. Police found him later that day when tenants upstairs noticed the store didn’t open as usual. The Seattle Times ran a front-page story about the incident on March 12, 1917 in the evening newspaper.
William’s brother back home was so distraught over his brother’s death that he burned all correspondence between them. The plight of William Hamilton and his American travels was lost to the Hamilton family history. All that remained was word-of-mouth recounts by family members, a few noted dates in the family Bibles and three very old photos. Contemporary Hamilton’s did not know for sure where he lived and died in America, where he was buried, etc. To learn of how his great-niece discovered what actually happened to him, visit: and do a search on William Hamilton. The story is there under “People’s History”
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