Barbara Lamb - Bethel Lamb
People with the last name Lamb are listed below.
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People named Barbara Lamb - Bethel Lamb
Browse Collaborative Biographies alphabetically for people with the last name Lamb from Barbara Lamb - Bethel Lamb
Barbara Lamb
Barber Lamb
Barney Lamb
Barry Lamb
Barton Lamb (Nov 23, 1908 - Oct 1975)
Bartow Lamb (Mar 18, 1910 - Mar 21, 1992)
Bascom Lamb (May 1, 1899 - Jul 1980)
Bascum Lamb (Jan 16, 1923 - Nov 11, 1993)
Basil Lamb
Bassett Lamb (Mar 11, 1917 - Oct 1968)
Bayne Lamb (Oct 1, 1919 - Jul 18, 2003)
Bea Lamb (May 1, 1906 - Feb 1980)
Beatie Lamb (Jan 25, 1892 - Jan 1970)
Beatrice Lamb
Beatriz Lamb (Born c. 1956)
Beaulah Lamb (Feb 25, 1894 - May 1973)
Beckie Lamb
Becky Lamb
Beecher Lamb (Sep 26, 1912 - Apr 13, 1995)
Belen Lamb (Born c. 1991)
Belinda Lamb
Bell Lamb (May 14, 1880 - May 1979)
Belle Lamb
Belva Lamb
Ben Lamb
Benard Lamb (Mar 2, 1930 - Oct 6, 1993)
Benere Lamb (Feb 24, 1903 - Jun 22, 2001)
Benetta Lamb (Sep 28, 1896 - Feb 12, 1999)
Beneva Lamb (Feb 11, 1904 - Dec 1978)
Benjamin Lamb
Bennett Lamb
Bennie Lamb
Benny Lamb (Jul 29, 1947 - Mar 1, 2007)
Bera Lamb (Dec 10, 1943 - Apr 13, 2010)
Berah Lamb (Dec 7, 1907 - Nov 16, 2002)
Berchie Lamb (May 28, 1943 - Apr 21, 2010)
Berdia Lamb (Sep 7, 1932 - Aug 2, 2001)
Berenice Lamb
Berkley Lamb
Berla Lamb (Feb 12, 1929 - Aug 17, 1992)
Berle Lamb (Born c. 1941)
Berlean Lamb (Mar 5, 1918 - Sep 23, 2004)
Bermuda Lamb (Feb 12, 1886 - Jun 1980)
Berna Lamb (Apr 21, 1911 - Feb 1993)
Bernadine Lamb
Bernald Lamb (Dec 3, 1926 - Jul 18, 2003)
Bernard Lamb
Bernardin Lamb (Aug 11, 1905 - Feb 4, 1989)
Berneil Lamb (Oct 4, 1911 - Oct 1991)
Bernell Lamb (Nov 1, 1932 - Jan 1987)
Bernice Lamb
Berniece Lamb (Mar 28, 1904 - Jun 20, 1991)
Bernita Lamb (Apr 27, 1916 - Sep 24, 1999)
Berry Lamb
Bert Lamb
Berta Lamb
Bertha Lamb
Bertie Lamb
Bertis Lamb (Dec 4, 1911 - Jan 17, 2003)
Berton Lamb
Bertram Lamb
Bertrum Lamb (Nov 12, 1920 - Sep 1979)
Bertsia Lamb (Mar 28, 1918 - Mar 31, 2003)
Beryl Lamb
Bess Lamb
Besse Lamb (Jan 1, 1903 - May 1981)
Bessie Lamb
Beth Lamb
Bethany Lamb (Mar 29, 2000 - Aug 4, 2001)
Bethel Lamb (Apr 21, 1905 - Mar 1986)
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Yearline -
Zula Lamb