Wilber Lamb - Yancy Lamb
People with the last name Lamb are listed below.
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People named Wilber Lamb - Yancy Lamb
Browse Collaborative Biographies alphabetically for people with the last name Lamb from Wilber Lamb - Yancy Lamb
Wilber Lamb (Born c. 1949)
Wilbert Lamb
Wilberth Lamb (Sep 7, 1976 - Apr 27, 2009)
Wilbur Lamb
Wilburn Lamb (Mar 27, 1925 - Nov 21, 1990)
Wildie Lamb (Jun 11, 1908 - Apr 1973)
Wiley Lamb
Wilford Lamb (Feb 18, 1900 - Apr 15, 1967)
Wilfred Lamb
Wilfrid Lamb (Jul 22, 1910 - Feb 6, 1952)
Wilhelmina Lamb
Wilhemenia Lamb (Oct 11, 1938 - Feb 1974)
Wilhemina Lamb (Mar 11, 1894 - Sep 24, 1993)
Will Lamb
Willa Lamb
Willard Lamb
Willena Lamb (Feb 8, 1925 - Nov 10, 2007)
Willene Lamb (Oct 20, 1923 - Oct 1973)
Willfred Lamb (Dec 4, 1910 - Feb 1986)
Willia Lamb (Jun 19, 1913 - Feb 11, 1993)
William Lamb
Willie Lamb
Willima Lamb (May 5, 1942 - Aug 20, 2000)
Willimina Lamb (Apr 26, 1922 - Jul 12, 1999)
Willis Lamb
Willollie Lamb (Nov 12, 1904 - Jun 1986)
Willow Lamb (Dec 10, 1892 - Apr 1978)
Willys Lamb
Wilma Lamb
Wilmer Lamb
Wilmerth Lamb (Apr 12, 1921 - Dec 1991)
Wilna Lamb (Aug 1, 1933 - Dec 20, 2002)
Wilsen Lamb (Jun 15, 1893 - Jan 1965)
Wilson Lamb
Wilton Lamb
Windell Lamb (Dec 30, 1897 - Aug 1982)
Windon Lamb (Born c. 1948)
Windy Lamb (Born c. 1975)
Winfield Lamb
Winford Lamb
Winfred Lamb (Sep 24, 1904 - Sep 26, 1990)
Wing Lamb (Sep 16, 1943 - May 1978)
Winifred Lamb
Winnie Lamb
Winnifred Lamb
Winona Lamb
Winston Lamb (Jan 4, 1916 - Jul 1979)
Winthrop Lamb
Wister Lamb (Mar 28, 1893 - Nov 1976)
Wius Lamb (Mar 31, 1907 - May 30, 1985)
Wlliam Lamb (Aug 28, 1915 - Jan 3, 1989)
Wm Lamb (May 4, 1903 - Jul 1974)
Woodburn Lamb (Oct 28, 1904 - Sep 1985)
Woodford Lamb (Jun 10, 1927 - May 16, 1996)
Woodine Lamb (Dec 17, 1933 - May 16, 2008)
Woodrow Lamb
Woolda H Lamb (Apr 24, 1922 - Jul 11, 1997)
Wordell Lamb (Sep 15, 1897 - Aug 1979)
Worthingto Lamb (Nov 27, 1918 - Feb 1982)
Wray Lamb
Wright Lamb (May 3, 1891 - May 1970)
Wyatt Lamb (May 23, 1916 - Jan 1986)
Wyemon Lamb (Mar 17, 1921 - Jan 1984)
Wylie Lamb
Wyman Lamb
Wynelle Lamb (Jun 5, 1910 - Sep 10, 1988)
Wynona Lamb (Feb 18, 1958 - Aug 31, 2009)
Xavier Lamb (Nov 1, 1904 - Jun 1984)
Xiaoyan Lamb (Born c. 1980)
Yancy Lamb (Born c. 1972)
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Zula Lamb