Lane Family History & Genealogy
Lane Last Name History & Origin
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Name Origin
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Early Lanes
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Lane Family Members
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I met Arthur Hill who played her father when we were on the Venetian Vaporetto - the water taxi. The man has been misidentified as her father.

People in photo include: Brogan Lane

People in photo include: Mary Ann Lane
Lane Family Tree
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Lane Death Records & Life Expectancy
The average age of a Lane family member is 72.0 years old according to our database of 49,002 people with the last name Lane that have a birth and death date listed.
Life Expectancy
Oldest Lanes
These are the longest-lived members of the Lane family on AncientFaces.

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Virgil Lane b 18 Nov 1845 Ohio married Sarah Etta Van Meter
Ralph Van Meter Lane b. 31 Oct 1881 married Bessie Rich
Donald Virgil Lane b. 17 Jan 1912 Independence, Mo. d. 10 Dec 1999 Warsaw, MO
married Bessie E. Boyer.
I am looking for Soloman parents and the generations before. Don was my great grandfather. He and Bessie had two daughters born in KCMO.
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Anything at all would be so greatfully appreciated. Thank-You
Karen Black, Mayer
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