Turner Family History & Genealogy
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Married to Larry Turner.
3 kids
4 sisters
7 grandkids
5 great grandkids...so far

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information on only four generations (including John Sr.) The last birth was about 1730 in
If you provide information on your earliest Turner ancestor I may be able to help extend your search.
She moved to Columbus in 1939 where she graduated from Kramer High School in 1942.
Betty married Warren Rood on October 12, 1944 in Seward, Nebraska. During the war years she worked for Montgomery Ward in Columbus and Ft. Worth, Texas.
She sold war bonds and attained the honorary rank of General, for her contribution to the war effort. She served for many years as a camp director and group leader for Brownie and Girl Scout groups. Betty was a volunteer for the Meals on Wheels and the United Way. She served for many years on the Election Board and several years as Co-Chairman of the City Democratic Party. She was a member of Beta Sigma Phi, a social sorority. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church, where she taught Sunday school and served as a District Program Resource Chairman. Betty also served as Dinner Chairman for her church circle for many years, which included the Continental Dinner.
Betty is survived by:
Husband - Warren Rood - Columbus, NE
Daughter - Mary (Robert) Schuchman - Warren, OH
Daughter - Barbara Pichler - Columbus, NE
Brother - Deryl (Jane) Turner - Lincoln, NE
Grandson - Ryan (Shawntell) Pichler - Omaha, NE
Granddaughter - Valarie (Jon) Bullis - Lincoln, NE
Granddaughter - Jamie (Michael) Bailey - Minneapolis, MN
Grandson - Jeffrey Schuchman - Girard, OH
5 - Great-Grandchildren
MacKenzie and Madison Bailey
Ellie and Reese Pichler
Nikita Schuchman
Betty was preceded in death by:
Parents: Thomas (Spike) and Edna Mae (Holoch) Turner
Sister: Gloria Joseph
Brother-in-law: Herbert Joseph
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Dianne Turner