
James Henry Mitchell CSA

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
James Henry Mitchell CSA
James Henry Mitchell, Confederate State of America,Private- 41ST Mississippi Infantry Company H, Prisoner of War, paroled at Holly Springs MS during May 1865, Enlisted March 9, 1862 at Rocky Ford Mississippi.
Date & Place: in USA
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There are several dates wrong for James Henry Mitchell
The family bible list his birth date as August 13, 1843
His headstone list his birth date as August 12, 1843
A birthday item in the new papers in 1926 show the he is 84 years old so that would make his birth date as August 13, 1842
Another paper item, telling of his death, states that his age is 88, but there is no date on the paper, how sad. If you take 88 away from 1843 you get that make the year 1931 and if you take 1927 and sub-tract 88 you end up with 1839. So there are a lot of dates.

J. H. Mitch Union county's few remaining Confederate, was fatally crushed while visiting his daughter, Mr J. A. Garrett, four miles from Moscow, Tenn. While walking in front of an adjoining house, Mr. Mitchell passed behind a large truck filled with house-hold goods that was starting off.

The Motor went dead, and the car backed against the house, catching Mr. Mitchell between them. He died shortly afterwords.

His body was brought home and interment was made in Macedonia Cemetery, Reva. A. J. Jones and _____ Grubbs conducting funeral service this good old man will be missed by him many friends everywhere.
We extend sympathy.

James Henry was living with his son George Washington Mitchell, in May 2, 1910 listed as a widowed,
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