What kid doesn't like ice cream?

These newsies are lined up for ice cream - the public thought that they spent their money on the sins of smoking and drinking.
Ohhhhhh, bad boy!

A 7 yr old newsie paying to enter a vaudeville show.
What's he buying?

While the photo is titled "Where some of the newsboy's money goes" - we can't tell what he's buying! It may have been obvious to someone in 1910 . . . or you?
Some of them smoked!

1910 Delaware - newsboy smoking on the street.

Two darling 8 yr olds - they said that they were selling papers on a day off from school.
Pretty darn smart

Young newsies begging for tobacco coupons - they're worth a fortune today!
Newsboy - and Woolworth's

Look at everything for sale for a dime in the five and dime store window. The newsie is 10 and makes 25 - 75 cents a day.

This newsboy and newsgirl are selling papers at saloon entrances.
What are they looking at?

These NY newsboys look like they're witnessing some kind of amazing history.
"Flipping a car"

This newsboy is going to hitch a ride on a streetcar - evidently called "flipping a car" in 1909.
Whose bike?

These are both newsboys, 5 and 6 yrs old. Wonder if the bike is theirs?
Smoking & Drinking Newsie

He's 13, sold papers for 7 yrs, worked 9 hrs a day, made $1.25 a week. He drank and smoked and his brother was a messenger who knew where all of the "houses of prostitution" were.