A photo of Barbara V. Macioroski

Barbara V. Macioroski 1929 - 2020

Barbara V. Macioroski of Terry, Montana United States was born on December 2, 1929 in Chicago, IL to Alexander P. Macioroski and Elsie Alice Macioroski. She had siblings Chester Victor Macioroski, Peter John Macioroski, Stanley Paul Macioroski, Alma C. Mothershead, Josephine Macioroski, Tony Alex Macioroski, Thomas Walter Macioroski, and Roy A. Macioroski. Barbara Macioroski died at age 91 years old on December 26, 2020 in Terry, MT.
Barbara V. Macioroski
Terry, Montana 59349, United States
December 2, 1929
Chicago, Illinois, United States
December 26, 2020
Terry, Montana, 59349, United States
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Barbara V. Macioroski's History: 1929 - 2020

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  • Introduction

    In Memory Of Barbara V. Macioroski, age 91 of Terry. December 4, 1929 – December 26, 2020 Barbara Macioroski, age 91, of Terry passed away on Saturday, December 26, 2020 at the Prairie Community Nursing Home in Terry. Barbara was born on December 4, 1929 in Chicago, Illinois, the daughter of Alec Macioroski and Alice (Elsie) Szczesney. She was baptized and confirmed in the Catholic faith. Barbara attended Valley View School and in the sixth grade her parents moved to Terry, MT to continue her schooling. She graduated from Terry High School and was employed by Prairie County working at the office of Public Welfare and the office of Superintendent of School. She also helped in the assessor’s office or wherever needed for assistance at the various offices at the Court House. A few years later she began working for the Production Marketing Administration for about three and half years. From there she began working at the Kempton Hotel in 1960 as a desk clerk and also selling Greyhound bus tickets. On July 20 1960 she began thirty-five-year career working with Montana Dakota Utilities, the last three years of which she managed it all by herself where she did the janitor job, collecting, yard work and anything and everything that had to be done. The office closed in July of 1996. Barbara enjoyed giving a helping hand at the church, American Legion Auxiliary or wherever needed. Barbara was preceded in death by her parents, sisters: Alma Mothershead, Josephine Macioroski and an infant sister, brothers; Albert, Joseph, Elmer, Chester, Peter, Tom, Roy, Stanley and Tony. She is survived by a sister Alice (Leon) Gothard and numerous nieces and nephews.
  • 12/2


    December 2, 1929
    Chicago, Illinois United States
  • 12/26


    December 26, 2020
    Death date
    Cause of death
    Terry, Montana 59349, United States
    Death location
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Barbara V. Macioroski
Barbara V. Macioroski
Barbara V. Macioroski is the child of Alexander P. Macioroski and Elsie Alice (Sczcesney) Macioroski
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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