A photo of Thomas Walter Macioroski

Thomas Walter Macioroski 1927 - 2008

Thomas Walter Macioroski of Terry, Montana United States was born on November 5, 1927 in Terry to Alexander P. Macioroski and Elsie Alice Macioroski. He had siblings Chester Victor Macioroski, Peter John Macioroski, Stanley Paul Macioroski, Alma C. Mothershead, Josephine Macioroski, Tony Alex Macioroski, Barbara V. Macioroski, and Roy A. Macioroski. Thomas Macioroski died at age 80 years old on January 19, 2008 in Glendive.
Thomas Walter Macioroski
Terry, Montana 59349, United States
November 5, 1927
Terry, Montana, 59349, United States
January 19, 2008
Glendive, Montana, 59330, United States
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Thomas Walter Macioroski's History: 1927 - 2008

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  • Introduction

    Thomas Walter Macioroski was born November 5, 1927 at the Terry Lutheran Hospital, the son of Alex and Elsie Alice Szczesny Macioroski, immigrant parents from Poland. He was baptized and confirmed in the Catholic faith. He received his first six years of education at the rural school, Valley View. The school had to close due to lack of students so he continued his education the remaining two years in Grandey School. He received his high school education at Terry High School. He was drafted during the Korean Conflict, spending two years there. He received the bronze star and was in the battle of "Heart Break Ridge",returning as only one of the five survivors. Upon returning home, he was "worn out". He was taken to the Veteran's Hospital in Miles City, where he was refused admittance and then was taken to Holy Rosary Hospital, then to Warm Springs and finally to the Veteran's Hospital in Sheridan WY. He spent approximately one year there to get back on the mend. He resided all his life at the ranch on Rad Route Road near Terry. He was a life time member of the Veteran's of Foreign Wars in Circle. He was an avid horseman, farmer, rancher and helped neighbors and operated the family ranch. He loved his Hereford cattle and loved to tell stories. His favorite saying was "It will work out." Tom was proud to serve his country and show he was proud to be an American and in all ways respected what the US stands for. Mr Macioroski, 80, passed away on January 19, 2008 at Glendive Medical Center in Glendive. He is survived by sisters, Alice, Josie and Barb, a brother, Tony; and numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, his brothers, Chet, Peter, Ray, Stan, Joe, Albert and Elmer and sister, Alma. ---condensed from The Terry Tribune 1-23-2008 p. 2
  • 11/5


    November 5, 1927
    Terry, Montana 59349, United States
  • 01/19


    January 19, 2008
    Death date
    Cause of death
    Glendive, Montana 59330, United States
    Death location
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Thomas Walter Macioroski
Thomas Walter Macioroski
Thomas Walter Macioroski is the child of Alexander P. Macioroski and Elsie Alice (Sczcesney) Macioroski.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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