
Epigmenio Lujan Gomez

Updated Jan 21, 2025 moment please loading spinner
Epigmenio Lujan Gomez
Epigmenio Lujan known as Meno was born in Chihuahua, Mexico about 1857 and died there about 1932. He married Josefa Lucero and they had 11 children. He worked in the silver mines in the area. Became blind about 1910. His sight lasted to see the first 4 chidlren. His wife never remarried she moved with her children to Tijuana, Baja California Mexico about 1942 and lived out her life there. Most of her descendants are in Souther California.
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Was Epigmenio Lujan related to Juan Jose Lujan and his wife Josefita Lujan? Their sons were Gregorio, Antonio, Roman and Juan.They were from and around Hermosillo, and Tubutama Sonora Mexico.
He was related to a Juan Josef Lujan but he was born and died in Casas Grandes, Chihuahua.
Was Epigmenio Lujan related to Juan Jose Lujan and his wife Josefita Lujan? Their sons were Gregorio, Antonio, Roman and Juan.They were from and around Hermosillo, and Tubutama Sonora Mexico.
I do not think so. This Lujan family was in Casas Grandes until 1942 and most of them went to San Diego, Tijuana, Los Angeles area.
OMG.. My uncle looks like great grandfather is Jesus Valenzuela Lujan. my family is from Cihih as well.mines where my grandfather was raised are in San Carlos...can you link Epigmenio to my family?
Looking for Carolina Lujan and her parents her son was Manuel Lujan Vigil
So Carolina Lujan was married to Jorge Vigil and had Manuel lujan Vigil.
They were from somewhere in mexico I think cause my Grandfather Manuel Lujan Vigil was from new mexico and was married to Sulema hernandez in aldama chichuahua mexico.
There is a 1930 Mexican census on
I have a family tree on Epigmenio and all thenames you mentioned arevery common names. Since thename is lujan vigil it means that his mother was a vigil.
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