Barrett Family History & Genealogy
Barrett Last Name History & Origin
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Name Origin
Barrett (sometimes spelled Barret or Barratt) is a surname that has been associated with several different people, places and organisations. It is a popular Anglo-Irish surname, both in Southeast England, and Southwest Ireland. It is most common in the Irish counties of Mayo and Galway but particularly County Cork, and within England, East Anglia, especially Norfolk. The Gaelic version of the name is Barόid in the south and Bairéid in the west. The Barretts of Ireland first appeared following the Norman invasion, hired as mercenaries from Wales. As with many other Anglo-Norman families, they were quickly assimilated into Irish culture. As an English surname, it is thought to derive from an Old English word meaning "quarrelsome" or "deceitful", or from a corruption of the Norman personal name Barnard or Berold. Another translation for Barrett is "warlike people."[1]
Spellings & Pronunciations
Barrett, Barret, Barratt
Nationality & Ethnicity
This interesting surname was introduced into Ireland by the Anglo-Norman invaders of 1169 and 1170. One branch of the family, initially called Barratt, settled in County Cork and their name was rendered "Baroid" in Irish. The second branch called Barrett established themselves in the Connacht counties of Mayo and Galway, where the name was Gaelicized as "Bareid". The former is regarded as Norman-French, deriving from the old French male given name Baraud, ultimately from the Germanic Ber(n)wald, composed of the elements "ber(n)", bear, plus "wald", rule. The latter is Anglo-Saxon having its origins in the old English Beornheard or the old German Bernhard, personal names composed of the elements "ber(n)", bear, plus "hard", brave, strong. Eventually, the surname was spelt Barrett in both Munster and Connacht and the county Cork family were influential enough to give their name to an extensive territory i.e., Barrett's Country. The North Mayo Barretts were Lords of Tirawley and the chief of this sept (founded on the Irish model) was known as MacWattin. The names of several of the Mayo Barretts are included in the "Composition Book of Connacht", dated 1585. Richard Barrett, (circa 1740 - 1818), known as "the Poet of Erris" was also a prominent United Irishman. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Baireid, which was dated circa 1350, "The Annals of Connacht", during the reign of King Edward 111 of England, "The Father of the Navy", 1327 - 1377. Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. In England this was known as Poll Tax. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.
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Early Barretts
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For full transcription see Simeon Barrett: Obituary
Performer: Leslie Barrett [Gloucester]
Understudy: Leslie Barrett [Geoffrey]
Frankenstein (Jan 04, 1981 - Jan 04, 1981)
Understudy: Leslie Barrett [Lionel Mueller, Alphonse Frankenstein, DeLacey]
My Old Friends (Apr 12, 1979 - May 27, 1979)
Performer: Leslie Barrett [Sidney Fineberg]
The Investigation (Oct 04, 1966 - Dec 31, 1966)
Performer: Leslie Barrett [Witness for the Accused]
Rhinoceros (Sep 18, 1961 - Sep 30, 1961)
Performer: Leslie Barrett [Old Gentleman]
Rhinoceros (Jan 09, 1961 - Aug 05, 1961)
Performer: Leslie Barrett [Old Gentleman]
Deadfall (Oct 27, 1955 - Nov 12, 1955)
Performer: Leslie Barrett [Clerk of the Court]
Counsellor-at-Law (Nov 24, 1942 - Jul 10, 1943)
Performer: Leslie Barrett [Henry Susskind]
All in Favor (Jan 20, 1942 - Jan 24, 1942)
Performer: Leslie Barrett [Marco (Lover)]
Good Neighbor (Oct 21, 1941 - Oct 21, 1941)
Performer: Leslie Barrett [Western Union Boy]
Horse Fever (Nov 23, 1940 - Dec 14, 1940)
Performer: Leslie Barrett [Jocky Lane]
The Primrose Path (Jan 04, 1939 - May 1939)
Performer: Leslie Barrett [Davy Wallace]
There's Always a Breeze (Mar 02, 1938 - Mar 1938)
Performer: Leslie Barrett [Tommy Hammond]
Sunup to Sundown (Feb 01, 1938 - Feb 1938)
Performer: Leslie Barrett [Pogriski]
Barrett Family Tree
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Barrett Death Records & Life Expectancy
The average age of a Barrett family member is 72.0 years old according to our database of 36,073 people with the last name Barrett that have a birth and death date listed.
Life Expectancy
Oldest Barretts
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