Payne Family History & Genealogy
Payne Last Name History & Origin
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Name Origin
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Spellings & Pronunciations
We don't have any alternate spellings or pronunciation information on the Payne name. Have information to share?
Nationality & Ethnicity
We don't have any information on the nationality / ethnicity of the Payne name. Have information to share?
Famous People named Payne
Are there famous people from the Payne family? Share their story.
Early Paynes
These are the earliest records we have of the Payne family.
![Charles Payne](
![Phebe Meeker](
![Martha Payne](
![Zebulon Payne](
![Elizabeth Massey](
![Nancy Slatton](
![Lewis Payne](
![Lewis Charles Payne Lewis Charles Payne](
![Lewis Payne](
![Amanda Payne](
![Emma Jane Payne](
![Elizabeth Visca](
Payne Family Members
Payne Family Photos
Discover Payne family photos shared by the community. These photos contain people and places related to the Payne last name.
![Captain John S. Payne](
![Rebecca England](
![Brunner & Stella](
Brunner Payne & Stella K Harris Payne.
Parents of Cyril, Cleo & Cecil Payne.
Payne Family Tree
Discover the most common names, oldest records and life expectancy of people with the last name Payne.
Updated Payne Biographies
![Clara Kisor](
![Clara P Kisor Clara P Kisor](
![Annette Payne](
![Hazel Payne](
![Tara Buretta](
![Lucy Payne](
![Jesse Payne](
![Jesse L Payne Jesse L Payne](
![Jewel Payne](
![Jesse Payne](
![Nancy Nichols](
![Diana Payne](
![Jatona Payne](
![Maria Hill](
![Penny Payne](
![Elizabeth Visca](
![Teresa MacNeille](
![John Payne](
![John Scott Payne John Scott Payne](
![Chadwyck Payne](
![Chadwyck Robert Payne Chadwyck Robert Payne](
![Frank Payne](
Popular Payne Biographies
![Jocelyn Payne](
![Jamel Payne](
![Jamel Payne Jamel Payne](
![Gladys Payne](
![Gladys Olga (Stevenson) Payne Gladys Olga (Stevenson) Payne](
![Green Payne](
![Earvin Payne](
![Diana Payne](
![Diana Margaret (Woods) Payne Diana Margaret (Woods) Payne](
![Ninnie Leath](
![Adeline Aynsley Payne](
![Robert Payne](
![Pamela Payne](
![Albert Payne](
![Green Payne](
![Lewis Payne](
![Ernestine Payne](
![Nancy Payne](
![Henry Payne](
![Henry Payne Henry Payne](
![George Payne](
![George Payne George Payne](
![Tiyana Payne](
![Tiyana Payne Tiyana Payne](
Payne Death Records & Life Expectancy
The average age of a Payne family member is 72.0 years old according to our database of 50,895 people with the last name Payne that have a birth and death date listed.
Life Expectancy
Oldest Paynes
These are the longest-lived members of the Payne family on AncientFaces.
![Haddie Payne](
![Hester Payne](
![Marie Payne](
![Mildred Payne](
![Ona Payne](
![Floyd Payne](
![Edith Payne](
![Esther Payne](
![Elizabeth Payne](
![Moses Payne](
![George Payne](
Other Payne Records
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![Lynsey Vining Photo of Lynsey Vining](
Followers & Sources
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