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Theodosia RUGGLES REEVES taken at the Hoard & Tenney Studio in Winona, MN in 1870’s or 1880’s in her teens.
Theodosia REEVES taken at the Brand Studio in Chicago, IL in the 1880’s in her 20’s or 30’s.
William Titsworth REEVES taken at the Pratt Studio in Aurora, IL in the 1880’s or 1890’s in his 30’s.
William T. REEVES taken at the Taylor Studio in West Aurora, IL in the 1880’s in his 20’s or 30’s.
William T. REEVES with no studio or loc. Referenced, taken after 1908 in his 40’s or 50’s.
Based on limited research I was able to gather the following information regarding this family:
Theodosia “Theo” Gould RUGGLES was b. 8 Feb 1856 in Essex Co., NY or Boston, MA to parents George Fitch RUGGLES (1818-1893) and Louesa “Louisa” GOULD (1825-1908) who were married 26 Apr 1855 in Rutland Co., VT and it appears that she was their only child. Theodosia married William Titsworth REEVES (1855-1938) on 12 Nov 1879 in Aurora, IL and they had 5 children including Helen; Allan or Allen Gould; Marjorie; Louise; and George Ruggles REEVES, all born between 1884 and 1895. Theodosia died 13 Sept 1946 in Oshkosh, WI and is buried in the Spring Lake Cemetery in Aurora, IL.
William Titsworth REEVES was b. 29 Oct 1855 in Aurora, IL to parents Charles Henry REEVES (1830-1923) and Lydia Bishop TOMLINSON (1830-1911) who were married 5 Sept 1854 in Bridgeton Township, Cumberland Co., NJ. William was one of 5 children born to this couple including William Titsworth; Joseph Tomlinson; Louise Tomlinson; Charles Henry “Harry”; and George Cattrell or Cottrell REEVES, all born between 1855 and 1872. William died 25 Sept 1938 in Oshkosh, WI and is also buried in the Spring Lake Cemetery in Aurora, IL.
I am hoping to get these treasures back to family and would appreciate you contacting me if you are a member of this family or know someone who might be.
Theodosia RUGGLES REEVES taken at the Hoard & Tenney Studio in Winona, MN in 1870’s or 1880’s in her teens.
Theodosia REEVES taken at the Brand Studio in Chicago, IL in the 1880’s in her 20’s or 30’s.
William Titsworth REEVES taken at the Pratt Studio in Aurora, IL in the 1880’s or 1890’s in his 30’s.
William T. REEVES taken at the Taylor Studio in West Aurora, IL in the 1880’s in his 20’s or 30’s.
William T. REEVES with no studio or loc. Referenced, taken after 1908 in his 40’s or 50’s.
Based on limited research I was able to gather the following information regarding this family:
Theodosia “Theo” Gould RUGGLES was b. 8 Feb 1856 in Essex Co., NY or Boston, MA to parents George Fitch RUGGLES (1818-1893) and Louesa “Louisa” GOULD (1825-1908) who were married 26 Apr 1855 in Rutland Co., VT and it appears that she was their only child. Theodosia married William Titsworth REEVES (1855-1938) on 12 Nov 1879 in Aurora, IL and they had 5 children including Helen; Allan or Allen Gould; Marjorie; Louise; and George Ruggles REEVES, all born between 1884 and 1895. Theodosia died 13 Sept 1946 in Oshkosh, WI and is buried in the Spring Lake Cemetery in Aurora, IL.
William Titsworth REEVES was b. 29 Oct 1855 in Aurora, IL to parents Charles Henry REEVES (1830-1923) and Lydia Bishop TOMLINSON (1830-1911) who were married 5 Sept 1854 in Bridgeton Township, Cumberland Co., NJ. William was one of 5 children born to this couple including William Titsworth; Joseph Tomlinson; Louise Tomlinson; Charles Henry “Harry”; and George Cattrell or Cottrell REEVES, all born between 1855 and 1872. William died 25 Sept 1938 in Oshkosh, WI and is also buried in the Spring Lake Cemetery in Aurora, IL.
I am hoping to get these treasures back to family and would appreciate you contacting me if you are a member of this family or know someone who might be.
This photo was from the first day of Freak’s Tattooing in Security Colorado ‘99
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The average age of a Reeves family member is 72.0 years old according to our database of 29,285 people with the last name Reeves that have a birth and death date listed.
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