
Wilkinson Family History & Genealogy

24,710 biographies and 55 photos with the Wilkinson last name. Discover the family history, nationality, origin and common names of Wilkinson family members.

Wilkinson Last Name History & Origin



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Name Origin

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Spellings & Pronunciations

Wilkerson, Wilkenson

Nationality & Ethnicity

Wilkinson is a surname of English origin. It is a variant of Williamson. At the time of the British Census of 1881, the relative frequency of the surname Wilkinson was highest in Westmorland (4.3 times the British average), followed by Yorkshire, County Durham, Lincolnshire, Cumberland, Northumberland, Lancashire, Cheshire and Nottinghamshire.

Famous People named Wilkinson

Kendra Wilkinson: American Model

Early Wilkinsons

These are the earliest records we have of the Wilkinson family.

Mary (West) Wilkinson
Mary (West) Wilkinson was born in 1801 in England, and died at age 82 years old in 1884 in Melbourne, Victoria Australia. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Mary (West) Wilkinson .
Henry Arthur Wilkinson
Henry Arthur Wilkinson was born in 1804, and died at age 69 years old in 1873. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Henry Arthur Wilkinson .
Henry Arthur Wilkinson
Henry Arthur Wilkinson was born in 1806, and died at age 68 years old on June 16, 1875. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Henry Arthur Wilkinson.
Mary Mary (Houghton) Wilkinson of Kburra Australia was born circa April 14, 1814. She was married to Thomas Ball Wilkinson, and had a child Samuel George Wilkinson. Mary Wilkinson died at age 46 years old on March 19, 1861.
Thomas Ball Wilkinson of Kburra Australia was born on January 19, 1815, and died at age 46 years old on July 27, 1861.
Allen Wilkinson
Allen Wilkinson was born on October 20, 1818. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Allen Wilkinson.
John Wilkinson of Sandhurst Australia was born in 1820 to John Wilkinson and Honora Harriett Williams. He had siblings Emelia Caroline Wilkinson, Michael Williams, Mark Wilkinson, and James Williams. John Wilkinson died at age 69 years old in 1889 in Sandhurst.
Franklin Wilkinson was born on April 17, 1829, and died at age 124 years old in July 1953. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Franklin Wilkinson.
James Wilkinson of Brunswick Australia was born in 1835, and died at age 67 years old in 1902 in Brunswick.
Mary Wilkinson of Australia was born in 1835, and died at age 27 years old in 1862.
Ellen (Wilkinson) Allard
Ellen (Wilkinson) Allard was born in 1839, and died at age 71 years old in 1910. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Ellen (Wilkinson) Allard.
Fannie Wilkinson
Fannie Wilkinson was born on September 18, 1840. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Fannie Wilkinson.

Wilkinson Family Members

Wilkinson Family Photos

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Wilkinson Family Tree

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Updated Wilkinson Biographies

Callie Wilkinson of Scappoose, Columbia County, Oregon was born on November 4, 1900, and died at age 82 years old on January 9, 1983.
Howard Earl "H.E." Wilkinson
Howard Earl Wilkinson was born on July 6, 1949 in Harlem, NY to parents Earl Gaskin Wilkinson (1922 - 1990) and Lovie Virginia Couch (1927 - 2007). He had a sister and a brother. He attended city schools and then graduated from Roosevelt High School in Yonkers New York. After high school, Howard earned a B.S. in education from Wagner College on Staten Island and a master's degree from the City College of New York. Howard married Velma Orene (Thomas) Wilkinson on June 30, 1973 in New York City. They had three daughters together: Shervah, Kellee and Kathleen Wilkinson. She filed for divorce in December of 1992 in the Bronx. Mr. Wilkinson was a dedicated Yonkers school district employee and spent 18 years teaching third and fourth grade at the former School 19. In 1988, he transitioned to the Enrico Fermi School for the Performing Arts, where he taught sixth grade. Howard Wilkinson passed away in New York on December 31, 1993 at the age of 44. Read more at Howard Earl Wilkinson Obituary .
Evan Wilkinson of Saint Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida was born on August 4, 1895, and died at age 76 years old in August 1971.
Mary Isobel (Forbes) Wilkinson of Rural City of Wangaratta, Wangaratta Rural City County, VIC Australia was born in 1914 in Gong Gong, City of Ballarat County to Mary Ellen (Quinlivan) Forbes and Bartholomew Hycon Power Forbes. She had siblings Veronica Mary Forbes, Bartholomew Hycon Forbes Jr., Eleanor Frances Forbes, Annie Dorothy Forbes, Andrew Francis Forbes, Thomas Gerard Forbes, and Kathleen Monica Forbes. Mary Wilkinson died at age 86 years old on March 20, 2001 in Rural City of Wangaratta, Wangaratta Rural City County.
Chad E Wilkinson of Newark, New Castle County, DE was born on July 28, 1991 in Newark. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Chad E Wilkinson.
Dawn M (Wilkinson) Morris of Newark, DE was born on September 6, 1966 in Wilmington. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Dawn M Morris.
Mark E Wilkinson of Newark, DE was born on August 14, 1954 in West Chester, PA. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Mark E Wilkinson.
Kate Honori (Hovenden) Wilkinson of Mooroopna, Greater Shepparton City County, VIC Australia was born in 1888 in Shepparton, and died at age 82 years old on April 14, 1971 in Mooroopna.
Margarita P Wilkinson of TX was born on June 10, 1949, and died at age 57 years old on July 19, 2006.
Helen (Wilkinson) Judd of Ararat, Ararat Rural City County, VIC Australia was born in 1887 in Newtown, Greater Geelong City County, and died at age 81 years old on July 29, 1969 in Ararat, Ararat Rural City County.
Dorothy Wilkinson Izatt
Dorothy Izatt is best known for her 18mm video collection of videos which seem to capture extremely unusual and fast bursts of light. Dorothy first saw these lights around 1973, and being concerned about the unusual sight attempted to get local news and radio shows to take notice. Most dismissed her sightings so she decided to borrow a camera to begin capturing these lights on tape. She has been dutifully recording ever since over the last 40 years as she believes she is assisting in receiving and documenting a message from other entities that we are not alone in our perception of reality. Dorothy claims that the light is a form of communication from another type of consciousness or reality. I tend to agree with her. Very little is known about Dorothy except that she is widely regarded as having an above average intelligence, is family orientated and is not eager to embrace attention. Dorothy was married in 1950, and after World War 2 moved to Canada where she has lived ever since.
Allan Brian Wilkinson of Gisborne, Macedon Ranges Shire County, VIC Australia was born on March 22, 1934, and died at age 38 years old on October 13, 1972 in Gisborne.
Jean Leonaora (Watt) Wilkinson of Ultimo, City of Sydney County, NSW Australia was born on October 4, 1910 in Ultimo. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Jean Leonaora Watt.
John Thomas Henry Wilkinson of Kerang, Gannawarra Shire County, VIC Australia was born on May 16, 1882 in Echuca, Campaspe Shire County to George William Wilkinson and Augusta (Chappel) Wilkinson. He had siblings William George Wilkinson, Elizabeth Wilkinson, Walter Frank Wilkinson, Ralph Wilkinson, Rachael Wilkinson, Lottie Wilkinson, Stanley Wilkinson, Ellis Wilkinson, and Thomas Wilkinson. He married Isabel Thomson (James) Wilkinson in 1906, and had children Evelyn Maude Wilkinson, Olive Augusta Wilkinson, John Ellis Wilkinson, and Norman Stanley Wilkinson. John Wilkinson died at age 86 years old on February 12, 1969 in Kerang, Gannawarra Shire County.
Isabel Thomson (James) Wilkinson of Elth Australia. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Isabel Thomson (James) Wilkinson.
Isabel Thomson (James) Wilkinson of Kerang, Gannawarra Shire County, VIC Australia was born in 1882, and died at age 47 years old on July 17, 1930 in Melbourne.
John Ellis Wilkinson of Eltham, Shire of Nillumbik County, VIC Australia was born on July 12, 1908 in Kerang, Gannawarra Shire County, and died at age 70 years old on October 1, 1978 in Eltham, Shire of Nillumbik County.
Evelyn Maude Wilkinson of Kerang, Gannawarra Shire County, VIC Australia was born on December 20, 1906 in Kerang, and died at age 17 years old on June 1, 1924 in Kerang.
Norman Stanley Wilkinson of Jamestown, Northern Areas Council County, SA Australia was born on May 12, 1910 in Kerang, Gannawarra Shire County, VIC to John Thomas Henry Wilkinson and Isabel Thomson (James) Wilkinson. He had siblings Olive Augusta Wilkinson, Evelyn Maude Wilkinson, and John Ellis Wilkinson. Norman Wilkinson died at age 76 years old on May 13, 1986 in Jamestown, Northern Areas Council County, SA.
Olive Augusta (Wilkinson) Franklin of Kerang, Gannawarra Shire County, VIC Australia was born on March 9, 1907 in Kerang. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Olive Augusta Wilkinson.

Popular Wilkinson Biographies

Howard Earl "H.E." Wilkinson
Howard Earl Wilkinson was born on July 6, 1949 in Harlem, NY to parents Earl Gaskin Wilkinson (1922 - 1990) and Lovie Virginia Couch (1927 - 2007). He had a sister and a brother. He attended city schools and then graduated from Roosevelt High School in Yonkers New York. After high school, Howard earned a B.S. in education from Wagner College on Staten Island and a master's degree from the City College of New York. Howard married Velma Orene (Thomas) Wilkinson on June 30, 1973 in New York City. They had three daughters together: Shervah, Kellee and Kathleen Wilkinson. She filed for divorce in December of 1992 in the Bronx. Mr. Wilkinson was a dedicated Yonkers school district employee and spent 18 years teaching third and fourth grade at the former School 19. In 1988, he transitioned to the Enrico Fermi School for the Performing Arts, where he taught sixth grade. Howard Wilkinson passed away in New York on December 31, 1993 at the age of 44. Read more at Howard Earl Wilkinson Obituary .
Dorothy Wilkinson Izatt
Dorothy Izatt is best known for her 18mm video collection of videos which seem to capture extremely unusual and fast bursts of light. Dorothy first saw these lights around 1973, and being concerned about the unusual sight attempted to get local news and radio shows to take notice. Most dismissed her sightings so she decided to borrow a camera to begin capturing these lights on tape. She has been dutifully recording ever since over the last 40 years as she believes she is assisting in receiving and documenting a message from other entities that we are not alone in our perception of reality. Dorothy claims that the light is a form of communication from another type of consciousness or reality. I tend to agree with her. Very little is known about Dorothy except that she is widely regarded as having an above average intelligence, is family orientated and is not eager to embrace attention. Dorothy was married in 1950, and after World War 2 moved to Canada where she has lived ever since.
William"Cook" C Wilkinson
William C Wilkinson was born on June 3, 1885. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember William"Cook" C Wilkinson.
Abner "Wolf" Wilkinson Jr. was born on June 17, 1935 in Hogansville, Troup County, Georgia, United States to Maria Beasley Wilkes (1916-1992) and Abner Wilkinson Sr. (1901-1974). He had 9 siblings including Elizabeth Mary (1933-2005), Emerick Jackson (1940-2013), Texanna Leverne (1948-1996), Mason (1950-2001), and Beatrice "Cookie" (1955-2017). Abner Wilkinson Jr. married Myrtle Ann Moore (1954-2013) and they had 4 children together: two sons and two daughters. In 1975, a police detective, Samuel Milton Guy, who was moonlighting as a security guard at a Howard Johnson motel, was shot and killed by two robbers. The case was cold for 25 years. Luckily, the ex-wife of one of the robbers, Myrtle Wilkinson, eventually told what she knew, resulting in the arrest of Abner Wilkinson and his partner in crime, Terry Jackson. Abner confessed and agreed to cooperate, saying that he was wracked by guilt. He was convicted and given 12 years in prison in 2002 because he had cooperated. He died at the age of 75, still in prison, but a few years short of completing his sentence. His partner, Terry, was convicted and appealed but his appeal was denied. He is still in jail. To see the details of the crime and the eventual outcome, see Samuel Milton Guy Murder . . .. Abner Wilkinson Jr. passed away on April 9, 2011 in Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, United States.
Larry DID have a marraige to Sally Jevons Luther which is where I, Lindsay Anne Wilkinson-Davis, came from. My mother Sally died 9/11/92 from brain cancer.
Sophronia "Sophie" Belle (Wilkinson) Loria
Sophronia Belle (Wilkinson) Loria of Loxahatchee, Palm Beach County, FL was born on January 5, 1921 at Home in Ozark, Dale County, Alabama United States. Sophronia was baptized in 1950 at First Baptist Church of Fort Lauderdale in Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, FL. Sophronia Loria died at age 78 years old on February 12, 1999 at Hospice of Palm Beach County in West Palm Beach, and was buried in February 1999 in West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County.
Kimberly Marie (Curtis) Wilkinson was born on July 17, 1986 in Pine Bluff, Jefferson County, Arkansas United States. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Kimberly Marie Wilkinson.
Lindsay Anne (Wilkinson) Davis of Memphis, Shelby County, TD United States was born on April 10, 1986. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Lindsay Anne Wilkinson-Davis.
Mary (West) Wilkinson
Mary (West) Wilkinson was born in 1801 in England, and died at age 82 years old in 1884 in Melbourne, Victoria Australia. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Mary (West) Wilkinson .
Walter William Wilkinson
Walter William Wilkinson was born on September 10, 1876. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Walter William Wilkinson.
This is my great uncle. He joined the armed forces at age 20 and died soon after in WWII. My father and oldest are named after him.
Henry Arthur Wilkinson
Henry Arthur Wilkinson was born in 1804, and died at age 69 years old in 1873. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Henry Arthur Wilkinson .
Mary (West) Wilkinson
Mary Wilkinson died in August 1884. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Mary (West) Wilkinson.
Ellen (Wilkinson) Allard
Ellen (Wilkinson) Allard was born in 1839, and died at age 71 years old in 1910. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Ellen (Wilkinson) Allard.
Henry Arthur Wilkinson
Henry Arthur Wilkinson was born in 1806, and died at age 68 years old on June 16, 1875. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Henry Arthur Wilkinson.
Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember James Wilkinson.
Jane Eliza (Frost) Wilkinson of Richmond, City of Yarra County, VIC Australia was born on August 26, 1857 in Richmond to James Thomas Frost and Martha Skinner Frost. Jane Wilkinson had siblings Dinah Ann (Frost) Ramsdale, Martha Emma Frost, Elizabeth Jane (Frost) Howchin, Alfred Edward Frost, and Henry George Frost. She married Charles Henry Wilkinson in 1875. They had a child Rose Emily Wilkinson. She also married George Andrew Goater in 1897. They had a child Martha Goater. Jane Wilkinson died at age 47 years old in 1904 in Richmond.
Peter Cornish Wilkinson was born on August 6, 1913. Peter Wilkinson was married to Eva Joan (Harbutt) Wilkinson, and died at age 63 years old on August 15, 1976. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Peter Cornish Wilkinson.
Frederick Wilkinson of St. Kilda, VIC Australia. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Frederick Wilkinson.

Wilkinson Death Records & Life Expectancy

The average age of a Wilkinson family member is 73.0 years old according to our database of 21,190 people with the last name Wilkinson that have a birth and death date listed.

Life Expectancy

73.0 years

Oldest Wilkinsons

These are the longest-lived members of the Wilkinson family on AncientFaces.

Franklin Wilkinson was born on April 17, 1829, and died at age 124 years old in July 1953. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Franklin Wilkinson.
124 years
Easter Wilkinson of Lawtey, Bradford County, FL was born on March 12, 1857, and died at age 110 years old on August 15, 1967.
110 years
Lily H Wilkinson of Union City, Alameda County, CA was born on February 8, 1891, and died at age 110 years old on September 27, 2001.
110 years
Etheline E Wilkinson of Bronx, Bronx County, NY was born on March 26, 1898, and died at age 108 years old on January 7, 2007.
108 years
Estelle R Wilkinson of Flushing, Genesee County, MI was born on May 30, 1895, and died at age 107 years old on June 29, 2002.
107 years
Annie B Wilkinson of Orlando, Orange County, FL was born on September 29, 1898, and died at age 107 years old on December 22, 2005.
107 years
Maggie E Wilkinson of Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach City County, VA was born on August 17, 1888, and died at age 106 years old on March 19, 1995.
106 years
Chrystal A Wilkinson of Columbus, Bartholomew County, Indiana was born on May 12, 1901, and died at age 106 years old on January 25, 2008.
106 years
Viola E Wilkinson of Baldwin, Nassau County, NY was born on September 27, 1902, and died at age 106 years old on July 17, 2009.
106 years
Helen Wilkinson of Merritt Island, Brevard County, Florida was born on July 1, 1880, and died at age 105 years old in January 1986.
105 years
Mathew Wilkinson of Cuba, Crawford County, Missouri was born on October 12, 1881, and died at age 105 years old in July 1987.
105 years
Sophronia Wilkinson of Brooklyn, Kings County, NY was born on September 7, 1903, and died at age 106 years old on September 30, 2009.
106 years

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My wife's cousin Maureen Wilkinson was born about 1943 in London, England. Maureen married a Mr Hasty and they had a boy and a girl whose names I don't know. Maureen's parents were Eric and Winnie.
Please contact me on [contact link] if you know the family.

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