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Gloria Swanson, 1920's

203 followers 10.4k+ favorites
shared on 10/05/2011
Talk about bling!
1921 evening gown

13 followers 2.74k+ favorites
shared on 10/28/2011
1920 - still a little conservative

3 followers 802 favorites
shared on 01/03/2013
The "It" girl

216 followers 32.6k+ favorites
shared on 07/05/2016
Clara Bow
What beautiful draping

216 followers 32.6k+ favorites
shared on 07/05/2016
1921 - demure!

13 followers 2.74k+ favorites
shared on 10/28/2011
High school girls as "flappers"

216 followers 32.6k+ favorites
shared on 07/05/2016
The face of the decade

216 followers 32.6k+ favorites
shared on 07/05/2016
Josephine Baker
Mother & daughter

1 follower 35 favorites
shared on 08/17/2014