Vaudeville Family
In 1917 vaudeville, the whole family, even infants, worked. Those were long days on the stage, often on the road.
Age 13, 7 days a week
This boy worked 10 hours a day, 7 days a week, and earned $3.25/wk at a dairy farm.
At least they had shoes!
6:30am and they're at work. But they have shoes - they work at a shoe factory.
Just plain weird!
A 1913 composite photo of children who worked in a cotton mill. Photographic magic without Photoshop!
Family affair
Remember Campbell Kid dolls? This mother and sons made their clothes.
Cranberry bog!
This boy (in 1938) wasn't helped by the Child Labor law - agriculture was (and is) exempt.
1909 protest
These two girls (one with a banner in English, one in Yiddish) are protesting child labor at a May Day parade.
Going to work in the dark
These children are going to work at 6p and will return home at 6a - working the night through.
Getting paid to go to school
This young girl is receiving her weekly stipend to attend school - given by the New York Child Labor Committee.
1912 spinner
This little girl looks well dressed - she's a spinner at the Aragon Mill.
15 yr old corset maker
This teen isn't in school or out with her friends, she's making corsets. 1917
Not playing stickball!
These boys worked at the Eclipse Mills in 1911.
It is fundamentally wrong!
This is a poster from the National Child Labor Committee stating that child labor is wrong.
Have photos that you'd like to see included? Share your photos or see more photos of children who worked - as "newsboys" - on the next page.