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Are those feathers or is it a fur hat?
Drenda Medina
1 follower 341 favorites
shared on 12/29/2015
A big ribbon could stand in for a hat

2 followers 251 favorites
shared on 03/25/2012
That's an interesting use of feathers
Drenda Medina
1 follower 341 favorites
shared on 12/29/2015
Both men and women wore fashionable hats

1 follower 42 favorites
shared on 01/20/2012
How does she keep that hat from falling off her head? Where do the hatpins go?

1 follower 21 favorites
shared on 01/01/2001
You had to have a strong neck to hold up this hat!
Stacey Maier-Dierksmeier
23 favorites
shared on 02/10/2012
Men looked dapper in a Bowler
Roger Bell
2 favorites
shared on 02/16/2012
Flowers and ribbons really make a hat
Unknown User
11 favorites
shared on 01/01/2001
A Swedish hat from olden days
Cheryl Dieter
3 followers 153 favorites
shared on 03/02/2012
These sisters have similar taste in hats

3 followers 802 favorites
shared on 03/24/2012
That bow is bigger than the hat itself!

27 favorites
shared on 05/12/2001
1930’s: the hat really does make the man
Sharon Smith
37 favorites
shared on 03/17/2013
And a “Mr. Fancy Pants” hat. Does anyone else see a mischievous face under this big hat?

38 favorites
shared on 01/31/2013
Teenagers' hats looked very different from today's baseball caps

1 follower 203 favorites
shared on 01/10/2016
And little girls had pretty snow hats
Fek Neim
1 follower 12 favorites
shared on 01/04/2016
Finally, a cowboy (girl) hat
Drenda Medina
1 follower 341 favorites
shared on 12/29/2015
Did you know? The earliest known hat was found belonging to a man believed to have been alive in 3,300 BC and it’s likely that hats existed long before that! Of course, hats have evolved from necessity to fashion over time. Check out these different hat fashions from the past few hundred years.
Remember to checkout the thousands of vintage hat photos shared by the community.
Have photos that you'd like to see included? Share your photos, or click next page to see popular clothing in the 1900s.
Remember to checkout the thousands of vintage hat photos shared by the community.
Have photos that you'd like to see included? Share your photos, or click next page to see popular clothing in the 1900s.