
Peaceful and Violent Protests Today versus Yesterday

Updated on May 03, 2023. Originally added on Mar 24, 2018 by Kathy Pinna

The United States has a long and diverse history of protests and strikes to represent the everyday man and woman.

Protests of the past century range from labor strikes in the 19th century that resulted in people being shot by law enforcement, housewives protesting the high price of food in 1917, garbage workers refusing to haul garbage in 1911, political prisoners in the U.S in 1922, protesters against the passage of the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) which would have guaranteed women equal civil rights in the 1970's...

The list goes on and on, and these photos are but a snapshot of some of these demonstrations and protests from the past.

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How May Day used to be celebrated

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A 1939 photo in Georgia of the May Queen and her court dancing around a Maypole.

Silent protest parade

1917 New York City
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In Spring of 1917, during World War I, a labor and race riot broke out in East St. Louis, Illinois. 3,000 white men had marched downtown and began attacking African Americans. Estimates vary widely but it is believed that around 100 blacks were killed. This silent march in New York City involved 10,000 people.

Protesting the high cost of food

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1917 New York.


Sending the kids out to picket

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1919, Washington D.C.

Rally of the unemployed

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1909 New York.

Protesting for better wages and hours . . .

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And against police brutality.

Vigilantes hired for railroad strike control

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1916 Ohio.


Vietnam war protest

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Also supporting Eartha Kitt, 1968.

Stop ERA demonstration

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1977 protest against the Equal Rights Amendment (which would have created equal rights for women).

Oh, the smell!

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Garbage strike, 1911 NYC.

Another view of the garbage strike.
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Mill worker's strike, 1912

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Notice the children (who were workers).

Protesting political prisoners

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British citizens were prisoners in the U.S. in 1922 due to the Irish uprising.


Police arresting protester

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Newspaper strike, 1910 NY.

Single women protest for jobs

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1933 New York.

Celebrating women getting the vote 1920

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Bomb victims - Anarchist riot

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1908 New York City.

The threatening coal mine strike circa 1915

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Coal mine strike, 1903

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Strike Arbitration Commission

Impeach Nixon demonstration

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1973, Washington D.C.

Police shooting strikers

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Engraving of 1886 railroad strike

Wilmington race riots 1968

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1975 Protest against busing and textbooks

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Militia dispersing mobs

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Railroad strike, 1916.

Democrat convention, 1868

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Banner reads "reduce taxation before taxation reduces us".

Picketing British treatment of the Irish

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Did our men die to make it safe for England to murder the Irish?

A little history: May Day was a pre-Christian holiday for centuries. Held anywhere from April 27 to May 1st, it was a celebration of Spring that included dancing, lots of flowers, and festivals. Up until the mid-20th century, dancing around the Maypole was still a popular activity - as was surprising people with small baskets of flowers hung on their doors.

But in the late 1800's, the character of celebrations began to change. It became a day for workers to march and advocate for worker's rights and in some countries such as the Soviet Union, a day to show off military might.May 1st is now celebrated in most countries around the world and is a day set aside to honor the laborers of the world.

The past few decades, May 1st has become a day to march and protest - often, the focus is on everything from immigrants' rights to LGBT awareness to police misconduct. Take a look at some of the protests from the past century and see if they appear any different from now.

Have photos that you'd like to see included? Share your photos or see photos of historic womens' protests on the next page.

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