Ewen Family History & Genealogy
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Address: R.4-Box 562 Almaden Rd., San Jose Santa Clara California.
Telephone: B. 2704, Age: 21, Pace of Birth: San Jose, Date of Birth: Dec. 11th 1918 (although it was Dec. 11th 1917), Country of Citizenship: San Jose, USA. Name of person who will always know your address; Mrs. "John" Rose Doudell (mother), address: R.4. Box 562 Almaden Rd. San Jose Santa Clara California. Employer's Name: Student at University of Santa Clara.
On the backside of the report it says that his race was white, his height 5ft 10", blue eyes, brown hair, light complexion and weighed 145 pounds.
The signature of registrar was Esther Collins who was the registrar for No. 1 Cottage Grove San Jose California and the date of registration was on Oct 16th 1940.
There were two appeal speeches I made - one at lunch and another during dinner. This photo was taken in the evening. I was joined by Tim & Debbie Kinslow, Kathy Pinna & my wonderful wife Lisa for lunch. My wife and I had the pleasure of being joined by Michelle Cassidy and Andrew Shepard for dinner.
The Bellarmine Fashion Show had until recent years been hosted at the Fairmont in downtown San Jose before being hosted in 2018 at the Santa Clara Convention Center. I recall working as a student at the Fashion Show, and within the last five hears being a sponsor when the event was hosted at the Fairmont. So in an odd twist of fate, it just so happened that we all ended the night dancing and staying at the Fairmont.
People in photo include: Bonnie Ewens
Ewen Family Tree
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Ewen Death Records & Life Expectancy
The average age of a Ewen family member is 75.0 years old according to our database of 790 people with the last name Ewen that have a birth and death date listed.
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