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The second is a photograph of the HOLMAN Homestead in Attleboro, MA. I am guessing that this photograph was also taken in the 1890's or early 1900's. Based on limited research I was able to gather the following information regarding the HOLMAN Family:
Dr. David Emory HOLMAN was b. 17 Apr 1852 in Attleboro, MA to parents Maj./Rev. David Emory HOLMAN (1805-1883) and Charlotte Jane BALCOM (1826-1903) who were married 17 Sept 1826. David was one of four children born to this couple including his three siblings, Nathan Emory; Mary Amelia; and Samuel Francis “Frank” Morey HOLMAN, all born between 1849 and 1859.
David married Sarah Palmer ROUND (1857-1886) on 25 Dec 1885 in Norton, MA and they had a son who was born and died in 1886 along with his mother. David died 1 Nov 1924 in Attleboro, MA and is buried in the Old Kirk Yard in Attleboro.
I am hoping to return these photographs to a family member and would appreciate you contacting me if you are a member of this family or know someone who might be.
1 - Frank HOLMAN, taken at the F. Wheaton Smith Studio in Attleboro, MA, 1880's or 1890's, in his 20's or 30's at the time, I have confirmed that this is Samuel Francis "Frank" Morey HOLMAN
2 - Mrs. D. E. HOLMAN, taken at the F. Wheaton Smith Studio in Providence, RI, 1880's, woman in her 20's, I believe that this is Sarah Palmer ROUND who was married to David Emory HOLMAN
Based on limited research I was able to gather the following information regarding the family:
Samuel Francis “Frank” Morey HOLMAN was b. 14 or 15 Jan 1859 in Attleboro, MA to parents Maj. David Emory HOLMAN (1805-1883) and Charlotte Jane BALCOM (1826-1903) who were married 17 Sept 1826. Frank was one of four children born to this couple including Nathan Emory; David Emory; Mary Amelia; and Samuel Francis “Frank” Morey HOLMAN, all born between 1849 and 1859. Frank never married but lived with a partner, Charles BLACK for many years. Frank died 22 Jan 1930 in Paris, France and is buried in the Old Kirk Yard Cemetery in Attleboro, MA.
Sarah Palmer ROUND was b. 23 Dec 1857 in Norton, MA to parents Dr. Benjamin Mason ROUND (1816-1900) and Sophia Mercy MOREY (1820-1915) who were married 26 May 1849 in Taunton, MA. Sarah was one of 7 children born to this couple including Arthur Morey; Alice Halfred or Halford; Sarah Palmer; Aarianna; Frank Haven; Mariana or Marianna; and Hellen or Helen R. ROUND, all born between 1850 and 1863. Her father was married previously and had one additional child, a son William Augustus ROUND (1847-1847).
Sarah married Dr. David Emory HOLMAN Jr. (1852-1924) on 25 or 29 Dec 1885 in Norton, MA and she died 22 Oct 1886 in New York, NY along with her infant son and is buried in the Old Kirk Yard Cemetery in Attleboro, MA.
I am hoping to get these photographs back to family, so if you are a member of this family or know someone who might be, please contact me.
1 - Frank HOLMAN, taken at the F. Wheaton Smith Studio in Attleboro, MA, 1880's or 1890's, in his 20's or 30's at the time, I have confirmed that this is Samuel Francis "Frank" Morey HOLMAN
2 - Mrs. D. E. HOLMAN, taken at the F. Wheaton Smith Studio in Providence, RI, 1880's, woman in her 20's, I believe that this is Sarah Palmer ROUND who was married to David Emory HOLMAN
Based on limited research I was able to gather the following information regarding the family:
Samuel Francis “Frank” Morey HOLMAN was b. 14 or 15 Jan 1859 in Attleboro, MA to parents Maj. David Emory HOLMAN (1805-1883) and Charlotte Jane BALCOM (1826-1903) who were married 17 Sept 1826. Frank was one of four children born to this couple including Nathan Emory; David Emory; Mary Amelia; and Samuel Francis “Frank” Morey HOLMAN, all born between 1849 and 1859. Frank never married but lived with a partner, Charles BLACK for many years. Frank died 22 Jan 1930 in Paris, France and is buried in the Old Kirk Yard Cemetery in Attleboro, MA.
Sarah Palmer ROUND was b. 23 Dec 1857 in Norton, MA to parents Dr. Benjamin Mason ROUND (1816-1900) and Sophia Mercy MOREY (1820-1915) who were married 26 May 1849 in Taunton, MA. Sarah was one of 7 children born to this couple including Arthur Morey; Alice Halfred or Halford; Sarah Palmer; Aarianna; Frank Haven; Mariana or Marianna; and Hellen or Helen R. ROUND, all born between 1850 and 1863. Her father was married previously and had one additional child, a son William Augustus ROUND (1847-1847).
Sarah married Dr. David Emory HOLMAN Jr. (1852-1924) on 25 or 29 Dec 1885 in Norton, MA and she died 22 Oct 1886 in New York, NY along with her infant son and is buried in the Old Kirk Yard Cemetery in Attleboro, MA.
I am hoping to get these photographs back to family, so if you are a member of this family or know someone who might be, please contact me.
I dont know who this is. Anyone recognize him?
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I don't know who she is.
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Anyone know who this is?
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