Perry Family History & Genealogy
Perry Last Name History & Origin
An easy name John chose
Name Origin
Perry ..originally born John Picholas
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I heard that a Charles Perry from Macon who was a baseball player was in a car accident. Is this the same one and has he recovered?
A. - Charles Ferris Perry was with the St. Louis organization for two years, 1956 and
1957. He was in an automobile accident two years ago and is permanently disabled. Perry was signed to an Allentown, Pa., contract in 1956 and saw action with Fresno, Calif., and Albany. Ga., before being released outright in 1957. He still resides in Macon.
The Macon News Mon, May 27, 1974 ·Page 8
Name Richard G Honan
Gender Male
Residence Year 1980
Street Address 24 Ridgefield rd Enf
Residence Place Enfield; Hazardville; Thompsonville; Suffield; Warehouse Point; Windsor Locks, Connecticut, USA
Occupation Fireman
Spouse Donna P Honan
Publication Title Enfield, Connecticut, City Directory, 1980
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The average age of a Perry family member is 71.0 years old according to our database of 77,718 people with the last name Perry that have a birth and death date listed.
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I do know that Seth grew up to marry Mary G. Frizzel, of NY, and have sons Henry Asaph, Ira Lovell (who died of croup at age 2), Ira Hartwell (my great-great-grandfather), and one daughter, Clara Jeanette.
Ira Hartwell, married Edith Honora Wiseman, who had Burton Garfield, who had Harold Simmons, who had Geraldine Perry, who is my mother.