
Pets: Our Ancestors' Buddies

Created on Nov 17, 2016 by Kathy Pinna

Social media is full of pictures of our pets, and it turns out sharing photos of our pets isn't new.

Our best friends often are our dogs, cats, horses, and other animals who we turn to for comfort and joy.

More than a century before the internet was invented, we included our best friends in our pictures - even when photography was an expensive proposition. Many of the pets knew how to pose better than the people!

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Photos of our ancestors' pets moment please loading spinner

This dog is joining the Army too?

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Peter Shaw
33 favorites
shared on 01/27/2016

You know whose kitty that is!

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A passel of puppies

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The kids are pretty darn cute, too.


Awwww. . .

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To both - the puppy and the boy. A classic.

They don't look alike . . .

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Lynne Kary-Rana
10 favorites
shared on 12/12/2015

But they are both distinguished.

She's got her dog by the neck . . .

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And he looks okay with it!

A gun and her dog . . .

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She's loaded for bear!


He's loaded for bear, too.

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A bull named Charlie

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Alton Blevins
3 favorites
shared on 01/01/2016

Cute? But not cuddly!

Nurses benefit concert for the ill

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Wonder if he howled along with them?

1895 Norway

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The "House Horse"

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Bet you never thought of a horse as a lap animal!

Looks like the kitten has her eye on the duck!

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Is she getting ready to ride her dog?

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He could ride his!

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Showing off her birds

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Showing off his puppy

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