
The Turtle Says Let's All Duck And Cover

Created on Aug 10, 2017 by Kathy Pinna

If you grew up anytime during the Cold War, "duck and cover" was a part of your childhood.

Do you remember it? The film has actually been declared "historically significant". If you can't get inside a building (or an old bomb shelter!), it may seem a bit silly but "duck and cover" actually has some scientific validity. Ducking will shield you from the heat and light of the bomb and covering will keep off any radiation that is carried downwind. Who knew?

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When under Nuclear Attack just 'Duck & Cover'

In 1962, it was the Cuban Missile Crisis. In the 21st century, it's North Korea. On August 10, 2017, the San Jose Mercury News carried a front page story (more than half the page) titled "North Korean threats make Bay Area ponder the unthinkable: a nuclear attack". In the article, suggestions were made for surviving a strike by North Korea.

Even though Kim Jong-un's regime may be capable of delivering a nuclear bomb much larger than the bombs that the U.S. dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, these steps would help if you were 10 - 100 miles away from ground zero (where radiation would be carried): "get inside, ideally in a basement or interior stairwell that puts as much building material between you and potential radiation as possible. Staying inside for 12 to 24 hours is best, but staying sheltered for at least the first hour is the most important." Although Guam, Hawaii, Alaska, and the west coast are the most vulnerable to attack by North Korea, the rest of the United States is at risk. As in the Cold War, it's important that all of us know what to do.

Have photos that you'd like to see included? Share your photos or read about the family history of the President who will guide us through this crisis - Donald Trump - on the next page.

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