Leg o’ mutton sleeves!

Leg o' mutton sleeves, first popular in the 1820's and 30's, made a comeback in the 1890's. The sleeves and the lace inserts made this dress.
Simply lovely and feminine

1908 stage dress - I would have worn this to my high school prom but at proms nowadays, there just isn't enough skin and body shape showing!
The details on the skirt hem made this outfit!

1880's Illinois.
Long sleeves, long hem, loose waist

This 1872 dress was seamstress made but had lots of details.
Look below the waist of this dress!
Look closely and you can see the interesting detail in the "girdle" of the dress.
Such elegance

This older woman in the 1800's looks more elegant than anyone could in this day and age.
Sure, the guy is dapper but her seamstress did a heck of a job!

1800's Sweden - love the collar!
Beautiful lace

Only the top of this dress survives visually but I can imagine the rest was just as lovely.
Mata Hari in Paris - scandalous, her arms are showing!

While everyday women were covered from neck to toe, in 1906 France, entertainers got away with relatively little clothing.
Circa 1900, this dress is SO cute and fresh!

Yes, a neat hat - but if you look closely, this dress is darling

1902 - The ribbon, lace, and gingham pattern of the material really work well together.
These women wore lighter fabric but there was still plenty of it!
Late 1800's, California - wouldn't want to wear these dresses in the summer.
Two girls in "Japanese costume"

In 1908, the American interpretation of "Japanese clothing" was very close to (American) daily wear.
The details are amazing
This 1915 dress has such amazing detail on the bodice.
I want it!!

Just absolutely love this 1929 beaded dress.
Not fancy but really cute
This 1920's dress has a lot of design interest.
Look at the hem

This 1922 evening dress would be fun to dance in!
Do you see a trend?

In the 1920's, there was less fabric but lots of interesting details.
Beading all the way down the front

They sparkled as much in 1924 as we do now.
Oh, scandalous!

Evidently, in 1929 you could show cleavage and lots of arm and leg
Another glorious hem

This 1931 dress is quite lovely and "flowy"
This lady in 1931 may not be young but she certainly has a sense of style.
The height of fashion

This 1937 magazine cover shows what a well-dressed woman wore in Australia.
Not only the dress is gorgeous but the purse . . . wow!
Love 1940's fashion
The same lady as above in another flowing skirt
What you had to wear underneath

strapless bra and girdle in 1949
1955 suit

I remember my grandmother wearing suits like this. They really showed off your figure.
1963 suit
Women's suits became more boxy in the 1960's.
Early 1960's

We've come almost 100 yrs since the beginning and look at the difference!
Late 1960's, early 1970's
Patterned, loose, and short - the shorter the better!