Thomas Family History & Genealogy
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Two months later they let Helen join a Press Club for Journalists.

Ruth May MARVIN was b. 25 Nov 1894 in St. Paul, MN to parents Earl Leach MARVIN (1866-1927) and Minnie May GREEN (1874-1969) who were married 21 Feb 1894 in Cass County, ND. Ruth was one of three children born to this couple including siblings DeWitt Theodore MARVIN (1896-1898) and Margaret Evelyn MARVIN KNAPP (1898-1900). Ruth married Charles Johnson THOMAS (1890-1982) about 1917 and they had two children including Margaret Patricia “Patsy” THOMAS KNEASS (1918-2020) and Katherine Marvin THOMAS BATTLE (1919-2001).
Ruth died 23 May 1987 in Multnomah County, OR. Her daughter Katherine had three children including Robert, Patricia, and Katharine BATTLE, all born between 1947 and 1955.
I am hoping to get this treasure back to a family member and would appreciate you contacting me if you are a member of this family or know someone who might be.

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The average age of a Thomas family member is 71.0 years old according to our database of 237,608 people with the last name Thomas that have a birth and death date listed.
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around 1901. He moved to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia approx 1924 he was a policeman
then a warder. If anyone is a relative of his could they please email me.
Regards Kaye [contact link]

It's a sad story, really, because most of the boys had hard, or at least, unhappy lives.
Uncles Fred and Walt were in WW1 and both returned in tact. They each married but Uncle Fred was divorced and then remarried to two other women. Uncle Walt remained married and became the father of two sons.
Uncle Saul went out West to Montana where he was a hired hand on several ranches where he died without wife or children. I don't hav a lot of information on Uncle Archie. He did marry and had at least one son.
Mary LUDFORD was born on November 7, 1687 in Baddesley Ensor, Warwickshire, England. She died on March 14, 1770 in Chester, Pennsylvania.
Thomas NICHOLS and Mary LUDFORD had the following children:
i. John NICHOLS was born about 1705 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co., Delaware. !Kennett Monthly Meeting of Friends Records
ii. Mary NICHOLS was born about 1713 in England.
iii. Daniel NICHOLS was born about 1715 in England.
iv. Thomas NICHOLS died about 1788 in Wilmington, Delaware. He was born Est 1717 in Staffordshire, England.
v. Joseph NICHOLS was born about 1718 in Staffordshire, England.
vi. Isaac NICHOLS.
vii. Ann NICHOLS was born about 1723 in Staffordshire, England.
viii. Samuel NICHOLS was born about 1725 in Staffordshire, England. He died about 1777 in Newcastle Co., Delaware.
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