
150 Years in the Classroom

Created on Dec 09, 2015 by Daniel Pinna

Remember the first day of school each year and how much fun it was to see your classmates and friends?

See how schools and classrooms have changed over the years. Some of these photos might seem familiar and bring back memories, but others are sure to surprise you how our ancestors' education was so different.

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Old School and Classroom photos moment please loading spinner

Catholic run orphanage - just LOVE the ‘showing off’ pose in the back right corner.

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During the time of racial segregation at schools.

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All ready for school taken in Ohio around 1902.

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Photo of Jarrod Reid Jarrod Reid
46 favorites
shared on 01/13/2013

It was tradition for children to receive ‘cones’ on their 1st day of school filled with treats and toys.

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Yearbook photo taken in Chico California in 1938. Think they were members of the drama club?

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He’s SUPER happy to go to school!

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It was common for young women to attend finishing schools which would teach social graces & upper class culture.

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Someone drew in a dunce cap!

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Photo of Robert Linklader Robert Linklader
16 favorites
shared on 07/30/2015

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