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Do you remember Bert the Turtle

216 followers 32.6k+ favorites
shared on 02/08/2016
Your desk could protect you even if you couldn't learn at it!

216 followers 32.6k+ favorites
shared on 02/08/2016
The best way to protect yourself? Cover your head with a newspaper of course!

216 followers 32.6k+ favorites
shared on 02/08/2016
Remember What's My Line? The picture wasn't great but we loved the novelty
George Paul
4 favorites
shared on 01/24/2016
The first televisions took half of the living room...

60 favorites
shared on 03/30/2013
Every neighborhood had the man and pony that came around taking your pic

45 favorites
shared on 01/09/2016
Girls and boys dressed up like cowboys

18 favorites
shared on 02/17/2014
Did you keep your old toys?
David Qualls
5 favorites
shared on 06/21/2013
Your Uncle pretended to drink moonshine with a shotgun in his hand

20 favorites
shared on 11/30/2014
His voice was honey

216 followers 32.6k+ favorites
shared on 01/01/2016
See the USA in your Chevrolet
Erin Lybrand
41 favorites
shared on 11/28/2015
Riding your bike to the corner store for a Coke or some penny candy

3 followers 269 favorites
shared on 11/17/2015
Dresses were for school
Wendy Wochinger
26 favorites
shared on 10/16/2015
A neighborhood game of baseball was always available

2 followers 52 favorites
shared on 10/09/2015
Some moms looked like Marilyn Monroe

2 followers 52 favorites
shared on 10/09/2015
You didn't need to find friends to play with

2 followers 119 favorites
shared on 08/29/2015
Every neighborhood had a movie theater

32 favorites
shared on 08/27/2015
Some Dads dressed like Kramer from Seinfield

10 favorites
shared on 06/23/2015
Your uncles were cool dudes

2 followers 32 favorites
shared on 05/26/2015
Clip on earrings and veiled hats were popular with moms
Kevin McGarry
4 favorites
shared on 03/21/2015
Mom's good coat was cloth with a fur collar
Pamela Kimbrough
29 favorites
shared on 02/28/2015
The wood desks at school were bolted to the floor and to each other

2 followers 22 favorites
shared on 02/19/2015
Phones were as big as your head and tethered to the wall
Alicia Leandro
22 favorites
shared on 02/19/2015
Kids could drive tractors
Dennis Murphy
50 favorites
shared on 02/18/2015
Remember goofing off for the camera?

1 follower 106 favorites
shared on 01/25/2015
When you went to your grandparents' you got home-grown food
Melvin Johnson
1 follower 9 favorites
shared on 01/23/2015
Who worried about a little dirt?

19 favorites
shared on 12/27/2014
You dressed up and used your best luggage to fly
Maureen McCoy
9 favorites
shared on 11/10/2014
Chenille bedspreads and plastic drapes were considered modern
Karl Achziger
16 favorites
shared on 04/28/2014