Paul McCartney, 1960
Oh yes, flower power
1962 - Protesting the Bomb
Andy & Opie
The Twist!
Janis & Gracie
Joe Cocker at Woodstock
Andy Williams
Dressed for church
1967 graduation
The Patty Duke Show
Homecoming queen, 1968
High school sweethearts, 1969
Detroit PD, 1967
Muhammad Ali
The car you had in high school
Jonathan Winters
People's Park protest, 1969
I Dream of Jeannie
hah...even the professionals played with their food in the '60s.
Protesting the Vietnam war
Drop Acid NOT Bombs
LSD was the original centerpiece of the top secret MKULTRA project, an ambitious undertaking conducted from the 1950s through the 70s designed to explore the possibilities of pharmaceutical mind control.