
Santa Claus Over Time

Updated on Dec 23, 2019. Originally added on Dec 22, 2017 by Daniel Pinna

Santa wasn't always the fluffy jolly character we think of today.

The 1823 poem "A Visit From St. Nicholas" - commonly known as "The Night Before Christmas" - popularized our current vision of Santa Claus. Based on the life of St. Nicholas, a 4th century Greek saint who was known for his secret gift giving, the "jolly old elf" has in many ways become the very image of Christmas in the West.

He's known by many names - Father Christmas, Sinterklaas, Christkind, Kris Kringle, to name a few - but he's always a figure of largesse and the magic of the season. How we envision Santa has changed over the years as he's become rounder and more jolly, yet his spirit endures.

See how Santa has changed over time with these photos and drawings from the 1800's and 20th century.

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Photos of Santa Claus Over the Years moment please loading spinner

Little Mary asked “Are you the real Santa?” in 1949

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Mary Reed
32 favorites
shared on 12/16/2012

One of our favorites of Santa

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This classic photo was taken around 1895.

A serious conversation

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Santa sometimes travels by ship

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Hard at work building toys in 1907

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1919 - he's left his gifts

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In the 20's, Santa used the post office

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Using that new fangled invention the telephone . . .

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. . . to call Santa - 1890

Who needs reindeer when you’ve got a donkey?

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Photo of Summer Owens Summer Owens
2 favorites
shared on 07/30/2014

1876 drawing of children getting ready for Santa

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1910 - dreaming of Santa, not sugarplums

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The cannon is almost hiding Santa!

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And in 1897, Santa used the phone

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To call for supplies!

Lining up to send their letters to Santa

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Santa helps the Salvation Army

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Santa was commercialized even as early as 1868

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Surrounded by children

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Poor Santa - the children mobbed him in 1897

Santa was popular with the ladies in 1902

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He’s got his hands full with children and toys in 1906

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Here he is in 1913 making quite the entrance!

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Jolly Saint Nick in 1921

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When the reindeer fail (in 1921) . . .

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. . . call on a newfangled plane!

Santa can't forget the troops!

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At Bolling Air Force Base in 1923.

Learning how to put out fires in case the chimney is roaring

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Posing for the camera in 1925

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Dressed up as Santa for a school play in 1950

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The smiles and joy Santa brings are unmistakable

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We recognize him today!

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